About Us – WYS Solutions Consulting
About Us


WYS Solutions Consulting aims to bridge the communication gaps and remove the barriers preventing businesses from maximizing their best resource, which is their human resource. WYS also works to help small businesses and organizations develop strategies to help them achieve their goals and be successful in their missions.

About Us

WYS Solutions Consulting (WYS) is the brainchild of Candice Shields, developed after experiencing 20 years in an industry, noting the consistent lack of communication between corporate and field employees. Throughout the 20 years she saw companies try to move to change policies in an effort to grow and earn more, while losing amazing people in the process and often times missing the value of the loss. As time passed, she was able to gain a vast knowledge of business and how to communicate a vision as well as building a belief in a team. This led her to being known throughout the industry for amazing skills in team building and communication. Candice strongly believes that people work for people and are a company’s strongest asset and resource to being successful. Effective, clear, consistent communication is the key to building strong relationships. Building strong relationships is the difference in a person staying to work for you when there are other options available versus staying to work for you because there are no other options available at the time. As Candice’s knowledge continued to grow, several people with entrepreneurial minds reached out to her for assistance in the strategy building of their businesses and organizations. She began to help them in a mentorship fashion, seeing lots of success and developing a passion for strategy building and planning, which has grown into a critical piece of her business. WYS is not in business to recreate the wheel, we are here to help ensure that every spoke is tightly in place to make the wheel propel forward.

Our Belief

Throughout corporations there is a lack of communication that continuously leads to poor retention, failing initiatives, a loss of hope and a disconnect in the way that our society views the workforce. Companies currently have rapidly rising turnover rates. This is due to to the under utilization of a company’s Chief Human Resource Operator. Employers have an obligation to ensure that their business nets consistent growth through initiatives that keep them relevant and in position for future growth and expansion. They have a duty to continue to produce positive numbers while producing innovative changes to their industry. Employees have a responsibility to execute these initiatives in a way that is both as effective and efficient as possible. Often times there is a disconnect in the middle that prevents the executives from ensuring that the planned initiatives are achievable and that they have the proper human resources in place to execute them. If employees are unable to completely understand the planned initiative, this will cause a lack of belief in the identified goal and will lead to poor execution. It is the role of the Chief Human Resource Operator to identify and escalate concerns of both parties by facilitating communication between them. This person is also responsible for moving resources to the proper place for maximum results. WYS specializes in bridging that gap through research and communication through the ‘people’ aspect so that all parties understand and agree upon expectations, which will yield the maximum impact. During this process clear metrics are identified. They are determined by the changes in the business, experience and the knowledge of an individual instead of just a title and tenure. While our economy has become more digital, we should not lose sight of our human resources. Instead we should maximize its potential to get the best benefit for the company, the clients and the consumers. WYS also provides consulting services to small businesses and organizations. There are multiple start-up’s and organizations that operate based upon a solid vision and ideas that aim to make positive impacts in the community. However, they need assistance in identifying the proper channels to make those visions come to life. It is common to have an “end goal”, but not be aware of each and every little detail needed and step to take to get there. It can be challenging to know what resources are available and where to start to find out. It becomes a classic case of “you do not know what you do not know”. WYS specializes in building plans and strategies to help you see your vision come to fruition. We offer sessions that will help you build a solid plan and overview, resource avenues for funding, and research collaborations that will impact your vision.